My current inspiration is driven by respect for the natural world and my desire to memorialize it. I create art on site, in the forest, by collecting textures with ink on fabric. I then take it into the studio to incorporate additional repeating shapes and patterns with fabric.
My process for this work involves submerging cloth in an ink/water mixture while riding the wave that is my mind and body at that moment. From there, the fabric may be re-submerged or left to dry. This base creates a foundation for my mind to then analyze the emotion I experienced, to then create a concept and evolve an art form.
Partially funded by a grant from the Awesome Foundation, a 3-stalled public restroom was reconstructed for an interactive 24-hour exhibit at Art All Night- the largest public art event in Pittsburgh. Titled “Shit Show,” the exhibit allowed for a wide demographic of guests to tag the bathroom, expressing themselves in an unfiltered way.